Monday, May 19, 2008

Disco/Mexico Bridal Shower Brunch

James Phillips, Jennifer Massey, Cion Ortega
(There were 4 hosts for this party; Kim Simmons is missing from this photo)

The Disco/Mexico Bridal Shower Brunch was another success. I was fortunate to have 3 other co-hosts for this party: James Phillips, Kim Simmons, Cion Ortega and myself. Dave was kind enough to do the grocery store shopping for me on Saturday and Saturday night James came over to help me decorate. To add some fuel for the decoration committee we grilled hamburgers and I made home fries (russett potatoes, olive oil, Tonys seasoning) and baked beans (ranch style beans, pork and beans, ketchup, mustard, brown sugar).

I think I did a great job combining the themes and really making everything come together. I strung some chilli pepper lights along the fire place and attached 3 disco balls. We hung a 12" disco ball from the ceiling fan and tied Mexcio tissue flowers (miriam made these) along the staircase.

On Saturday evening we marinated the chicken and beef. Sunday I got up bright and early and made the fruit salad. Then Kim came over and we made the quiche. Dave started grilling about 11:00 and we were able to assemble the quesadillas by 12:00. We ran behind on the shrimp but the whole food spread was finished by 12:30. Cion made homemade red salsa, spinach dip (AMAZING) and quacamole.

Everyone raved about how great the food but we still had lots of leftovers. Group size was 20 and we did go through all 10 bottles of champagne in 2.5 hours. Elizabeth (our bride and guest of honor) really got some wonderful gifts.

James and Kim were most excellent at making sure all the guests were taken care of and this really helped as Cion and I cleaned, prepped and took care of the food. I was impressed with how we all worked together!

After the party I was exhausted and was able to join Cion poolside for even more champagne and we munched on leftovers. We had a major brainstorming session about forming a new partnership so hopefully we can iron out details and start something soon.

So this is my last scheduled hosting party for awhile. I hope that Cion and I can reach a joint venture and really make something out of this. I do have a few parties to attend (Cion's pool party June 1st, Breann's kitchen unveiling party June 28) so I will post more details soon.


Anonymous said...

What an amazing event! That was the most fun bridal shower ever!!! Thank you for all of your hard work, it was fabulous.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time at the shower! Jennifer, your cooking is amazing!!

Unknown said...

You look sooooo pretty!! Just thought I would tell you!